Best Carpet Cleaner EVER!

Best ever carpet cleaner text with all ingredients sitting on the counter

This is the best carpet spot cleaner I have ever found. Who knew that you can use 2 things that you currently have in your pantry and get out those nasty kid stains on the carpet. It works awesome!

Best ever carpet cleaner text with all ingredients sitting on the counter and Logo on bottom

*Note: always test on a hidden spot first to make sure this will work well for your carpet.  I have used it in several homes and had great success, but always better to test it first*

2 cups Hydrogen Peroxide

Best ever carpet cleaner ingredients sitting on the counter

Water pouring into bottle

¼ cup baking soda

baking soda being added to carpet cleaner

hand holding bottle with carpet cleaner solution

Mix it all right in a squeeze bottle.  Voila!  Stain removing magic.

I had just finished vacuuming and I was really annoyed that the Capri-Sun spill that I had diligently soaked up with hot water and vinegar was still getting darker and darker.  Last week I considered just rearranging the furniture.  This week, I took to Pinterest to find a solution.

hand hoding bottle with cap open with dirty carpet in background

I like this kind of water bottle for the job because it has a handy squeeze top.

carpet with dirty spots

hand cleaning carpet with towel

I gave the spot a generous squirt of remover and rubbed and scrubbed it with my rag.  Then I went over it with the vacuum to dry it a bit.  Voila.

vaccume cleaning carpet with dirty spots

Really… felt like magic.  Middle spot gone!  Now I just need to tackle the other spots until I can get the carpet cleaning company to come do the entire room.

comparison photo showing dirty spot before and after cleaning solution used.


  1. The carpet cleaner recipe by Alexis - can I use it in my carpet cleaning machine? How could I adapt the recipe to put into my machine?
    Thanking you

  2. Would like to see how to clean automobile headlights again. I saw it once; but I don't
    remember how it was done.

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