Dear kids, You are the joy in 2020.

What a year, 2020.
What a year full of historical and memorable events and emotions. But, to my sweet kiddos, you were the joy in 2020. You really were the shining star in the questionable days.
To my 11 year old,
Wow. Just wow. Your humor and your calm demeanor got us through. You woke up with a smile and you shared your love of crochet and audiobooks with all of us. I want to spend more time doing slow and simple things with you in all of the years to come. Thank you for sharing the best bits of yourself with us day in and day out. Watching you adjust to constant changes was inspiring and encouraging to me.
To my 9 year old,
I am SO thankful for your confidence and your laugh. Your energy, curiosity, and focus were really a blessing to behold. Lego creations. Notebook lists of goals. Deep-dive learning through the lens of your microscope. You tackled cooking and organizing like an expert. Your sweet notes left on my nightstand and posted weekly menus on the fridge kept me smiling and sane. Thank you for reminding me to be confident and sure.
To my 7 year old,
This year saw you explode with energy, adventure, and silly antics. You have really developed into a responsible and helpful kiddo. Your desire to explore and discover kept me on my toes and always learning new things about new places. Your focused and particular ways were helpful and peaceful in several days of chaos.
To my brand new babe,
You have no idea that there could be anything different. We snuggled, and smiled, and watched in wonder at even your hiccups. You've got new awe and wonder that keeps us all looking at things with fresh eyes. You are a joy.
I just am so thankful. 2020 was lucky to have you. Such amazing things coming as you share your wonderful selves with 2021. I can't wait to experience it all with you.
Mom and Dad