Mississippi Mudd Cake

Just like all around the country, it is scorching here.  For us that means dinner is BBQ, cold sandwiches, or a trip to eat out.  However, yesterday we got a wonderful afternoon thunderstorm and the temperature dropped 30 degrees in 30 minutes.  That is the beauty of living in the mountains.  So, I had time to make a cake: Mississippi Mudd Cake!

mississippi mudd cake

I found this recipe on Pinterest a few weeks ago but while morning sickness was raging, sweets were NOT my thing.  Ask Clint’s co-workers….he was asked more than once why he had not been bringing treats lately.

mississippi mudd cake

This is a VERY sweet treat.  I cut it in to small bars and served it with a tall glass of ice cold milk.  The frosting is amazing and the nuts in the cake make it perfect.


Mississippi Mudd Cake

1 cup melted butter

2 cups sugar

½ cup unsweetened cocoa powder

4 large eggs, lightly beaten

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

⅛ teaspoon salt

1 ½ cups flour

1 ½ cups chopped pecans

10.5 oz bag miniature marshmallows

Chocolate Frosting

16oz powdered sugar

½ cup milk

¼ cup butter, softened

⅓ cup unsweetened cocoa powder

1. Whisk together melted butter and next 5 ingredients in a large bowl.

2. Stir in flour and chopped pecans

3. Pour in to foil lined and greased 15X10 inch jelly roll pan.

4. Bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes until center is done.

5. Remove cake from oven and sprinkle marshmallows on top.  Return to oven and bake for 5 minutes.

6. Drizzle Chocolate Frosting over warm cake.

*These must cool completely before cutting in to squares *


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